Customer-centric or customer-obsessed?

Customer-centric or customer-obsessed?

Holding top competitor status in the industry is 5 times more likely for customer-obsessed businesses (Forrester 2016). We are in the “age of the customer.” This means that the customer is at the center of the business. No more is there just a customer service...

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User Personas that Resonate

User Personas that Resonate

As a Software Product Management Professional, do you believe your user personas could use more granularity, and focus more on product over marketing & sales? What if your user personas could generate more ROI? The persona measures discussed in this blog are...

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Product Strategy is Your Power Animal

Product Strategy is Your Power Animal

With 2022 around the corner, you may be thinking about product planning. How about a 3-5 year product strategy to give shape to your annual plans, and your quarterly roadmap? As a PM, you're not only setting long-term vision, but also overseeing execution and getting...

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How Close Are You To Your Customer?

How Close Are You To Your Customer?

Why know your customer? Knowing your customer is the unshakable foundation for your consumer goods & services/tech startup’s growth strategy…from product development, to marketing and sales enablement. Here are some convincing statistics: 86% of buyers will pay...

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Innovate & Iterate with Accelerated Growth in Mind

Innovate & Iterate with Accelerated Growth in Mind

Introduction Imagine you are innovating a product/service. You know the features that will resonate best with your customers. You know exactly where your competitors are weakest. When you go to market, your product is, of course, very well-received. On top of that,...

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5 Ways to Pick Your Best Customer’s Brain

5 Ways to Pick Your Best Customer’s Brain

Nearly every young startup has product/market fit on its mind, if not explicitly then implicitly. Why? Because you can only start scaling after you find customers who get value from your product through regular use. Lack of market need kills startups above all else....

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