Truify.co operates at the speed of your business. With agile sales and marketing research capabilities, we answer your most pressing question or two, and you can come back for more research fluidly. As-needed. 

Truify.co quickly discovers your customer’s story about one aspect of your business, product, or marketing, like a puzzle piece that fits toward the whole picture. Thanks to AI technology and your smaller-scale questions, the process is quick, painless…and even fun.

We are here to disrupt traditional market research, where many business questions are answered at once. In that model, you have little wiggle room to accommodate the natural cycle of business Q&A. That diminishes research’s in-the-moment relevance to your business, and the chance to iterate from one moment to the next.

But we talk to your customers at any point of your development, marketing, and sales cycles. This empowers you to get validation for your hunches and ideas any time your business needs it; thus getting to market more quickly and confidently, and staying there through iterative improvement.

This is the beauty of our a la carte method. You can research one question at a time to quench your “need to knows.” This means your marketing research budget is manageable; spread out into bite-sized pieces over the course of your fiscal year


Disruption of the traditional market research model. We exist to democratize customer data and the valuable insights it brings; helping startups, entrepreneurs, and smaller enterprises gain access to greater market share. We are thrilled when you flourish by acting on your customer’s story because this changes the landscape of your market in real time!

Drive toward solutions that work for you. Truify.co focuses on discovering the true causes of a customer’s decision to purchase. Our methods are proven to lead you to the greatest possible confidence in strategic decision-making. We won’t overload you with data dumps, but will meet your business where it is, with illuminating consumer insights to move it forward.

Human service over customer service. We take the time to get to know your business questions and respond deeply to your need for strategy and growth. With us, you’ll always feel like you’re doing business with a person rather than a company. Truify.co is a consulting business, so personal touch is what we’re founded on.

Passion for the craft and the client. Truify.co’s passion is grounded in the enjoyment of a research process that is practical, powerful, personable, and polished. We are data-driven, but our work isn’t done until you to apply our data to your growth strategy.



I remember my love of ‘investigation’ showing up for the first time in first grade. The school principal arrived to whisper something apparently important to my teacher, and I just had to find out what that was. As the principal walked out of the class, I point blank asked her in front of the class, “What were you talking about?” I was crestfallen and more than a little embarrassed when she responded, “Boy, aren’t you nosy!” as her nose wrinkled in distaste. And so the saga of uncovering the truth began for me…

I was motivated by discovery as a child; relishing science fair experiments and small animal dissections. Where does water come from? was my burning question back then.

Later I learned that people could be understood scientifically too, and this moved my interest for discovery into bonafide passion. At university I began by apprenticing under professors, and went on to publish/present multiple social science studies. In postgraduate school I was with no exaggeration closely mentored by the most published researchers in the field; this is not be a show-off, but to show you that I came up in a culture of excellence in gleaning people insights. At first glance we researchers are hard to tell apart, but ‘investigative artisanship’ is the test of our true quality.

With seven years in the field, I hold a master’s degree (M.A.) in social psychology with an emphasis on survey methods. I’m certified in quantitative/qualitative market research and Google Analytics for website marketing.

Now that I’m all grown up, my love for investigating people is fueled by the practical. It’s all about making a difference; to help small enterprises – from the global startup to the local brick-n-mortar – thrive in today’s fiercely competitive markets.

What wakes me up in the morning is to contribute to a genuine connection between a business and its consumers. In the ideal sense, I work for enterprises that value getting to know their customers, and who search for meaningful formulas to delight them.